Must and mustn't lesson plan pdf

Must or mustnt classroom rules interactive worksheet. This is a short quiz, maybe for the beginning of your class. Grammar teaching must mustnt free download as word doc. Write must, mustnt, neednt and dont have to on the board. This time i decided to introduce and practise must mustnt and incorporate pictures of road signs, which. This time i decided to introduce and practise must mustnt and incorporate pictures of road signs, which turned out to be a successful idea. Must and mustnt lesson ideas for a1 students english. Divide students into pairs and give each pair one set of picture cards and one set of word cards. Must and mustnt lesson ideas for a1 students english on the. The player with the matching word card should say what the sign means must or mustnt be done. Make sure to stress the idea that dont have to expresses the idea that the person isnt required to do something but may do so if heshe would like while mustnt expresses the idea of prohibition. Use mustnt when you mean that it is important not to do something. Check the students understanding of the verbs by eliciting things.

As most of my students already knew the signs, it was easier to teach both the meaning of the signs in english and the use of must and mustnt. For adaptations of these tasks at e1 and e3, see the end of the lesson plan. In the first one, students will be introduced to must and mustnt. Pdf icon print a reference card for this grammar topic. Discuss the differences between dont have to and mustnt. Modals must and mustnt learnenglish kids british council. Make sure to point out that have to is used for daily routines while must is used for strong personal obligation. Do you want to practise using must and mustnt in english. A collection of english esl worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about must, mustnt, must mustnt. For example, does your local library, museum or swimming pool. English esl must mustnt worksheets most downloaded 63.

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